src Directory Reference



file  at_startup.H [code]
 misc stuff that is needed at startup
file [code]
 test for modulo/numbertheoretic functions (performance, correctness)
file [code]
 test for polynomial arithmetic (performance, correctness)
file [code]
 implementation of concepts for client-sided I/O to the server
file  Client_IO.H [code]
 declaration of concepts for client-sided I/O to the server
file [code]
 configfile related functions
file [code]
 contains implementation of class Cprocess_clients that processes the serversided communication.
file  Cprocess_clients.H [code]
 contains declaration of class Cprocess_clients that processes the serversided communication.
file [code]
 stuff for handling relations to be included by the main programs (server, clients, standalone)
file [code]
 implementation of (invariant) CRelation methods that can be called by servers and clients
file [code]
 Discrete Fast Fourier Transform.
file  DynamicFactorRelations.H [code]
 declaration of TDynamicFactorRelations (either as set or as hash_set)
file  DynamicRelations.H [code]
 dynamic relation specific stuff, need to be inlined because of compile-time dependencies
file [code]
 contains some of the simpler factoring algorithms
file  easy_factor.H [code]
 contains declaration of the simpler factoring algorithms
file [code]
 variant part of the elliptic curve implementation, must be compiled separately from the invariant part
file [code]
 contains implementation of elliptic curves
file  elliptic_curve.H [code]
 contains declaration of elliptic curves
file [code]
 controlled (successful) termination of program
file [code]
 Implementation of a helper class for storing factors.
file  FactorFound.H [code]
 Declaration of a helper class for storing factors.
file  fakeheap.H [code]
 contains faked priority queue implementation designed to speedup DLP-MPQS
file [code]
 contains factoring algorithms which are related to Fermat's method
file [code]
 contains parameter sets and memory estimation routines for fft
file  fibheap.H [code]
 contains a template implementation for fibonacci heaps
file [code]
 contains implementation classes for instantiating polphi-template to fibonacci method
file [code]
 main implementation file of Qsieve file-client
file [code]
 small program to evaluate integer expressions
file  invmod.c [code]
 floating point implementation for computing the modular inverse
file [code]
 contains a class for replacing repeated divisions by using a precomputed reciprocal
file [code]
 Modular Multiplication Without Trial Division.
file [code]
 This is the implementation part of some number theoretic functions.
file  modulo.H [code]
 This header file contains some number theoretic functions.
file [code]
 contains a method for finding a suitable multiplier to speedup the MPQS
file [code]
 implementation of MPQS polynomials
file  mpqsPolynom.H [code]
 header file for declaration of MPQS polynomials
file [code]
 contains stuff related to statistical information about the progress of factorization
file [code]
 compute a[i]^(-1) mod n, i=0..k-1 for mpz-numbers
file [code]
 compute square roots modulo prime numbers (mpz numbers)
file  mpz_wrapper.H [code]
 contains wrapped C++ stream I/O for mpz_t (multiple precision numbers)
file  mutex.H [code]
 contains wrapper class for mutex (mutual exclusion) handling in a C++ multithreaded environment
file [code]
 implementation of a mpz_powm_ui alternative which is sometimes faster than the original one
file  my_ncurses.H [code]
 very tiny ncurses window wrapper
file  myBitString.H [code]
 header file for including an array class of bits (in dense representation)
file  myBitString_generic.H [code]
 generic implementation of an array class of bits (in dense representation)
file  myBitString_i386.H [code]
 i386 assembler optimized implementation of an array class of bits (in dense representation)
file  myBitString_X86_64.H [code]
 X64_86 (based on i386) assembler optimized implementation of an array class of bits (in dense representation).
file [code]
 main implementation file of Qsieve net-client
file [code]
 A *very* simple example of a client server system.
file [code]
 In this file the computation of partition numbers takes place.
file [code]
 contains routines for parsing a numerical term and evaluating its value
file  PersistentData.H [code]
 set of classes to provide persistent storage of variables
file [code]
 contains implementation classes for instantiating polphi-template to pollard phi method
file  polphi_template.H [code]
 template definition for pollard-phi-like factoring algorithms
file [code]
 contains implementation of polynomial arithmetic for multiple precision numbers
file  polynomial.H [code]
 declaration of polynomial arithmetic interface for multiple precision numbers
file  qsieve-fwd.H [code]
 contains some types and constants for qsieve.H and
file [code]
 main implementation file of Qsieve standalone
file  qsieve.H [code]
 main header file of the "Faktorisierungsprogramm"
file  Semaphore.H [code]
 contains wrapper class for semaphore handling in a C++ multithreaded environment
file [code]
 main implementation file of Qsieve server
file [code]
 mpqs sieving stuff that needs to be included by
file [code]
 mpqs sieving stuff; module that is compiled separately
file  Sieving.H [code]
 mpqs sieving stuff, header file
file [code]
 implementation of class SpecialRelations; handling double large prime stuff
file  SpecialRelations.H [code]
 declaration of class SpecialRelations; handling double large prime stuff
file [code]
 compute square roots modulo prime numbers (unsigned int)
file [code]
 contains implementation for static factorbase
file  StaticFactorbase.H [code]
 contains declaration for static factorbase
file [code]
 implementation of class StaticRelations
file  StaticRelations.H [code]
 declaration of class StaticRelations
file [code]
 implementation of base class used in DLP-MPQS
file  Tfactor.H [code]
 header file for declaration of base class used in DLP-MPQS
file  TinyVector.H [code]
 provides some templates for constructing C++-Arrays and a tiny implementation of them
file [code]
 a small program to transfer sieved relations to the server
file  unix_buffer.H [code]
 some abstraction layers for using UNIX-network services in C++ (mainly TCP)
file [code]
 contains proxy class implementation for handling SIGUSR signals
file  usr_signals.H [code]
 contains proxy class for handling SIGUSR signals
file  utils.H [code]
 contains some small utilities (macros, templates and more)
file [code]
 tool to validate relation files for the current factorization
file [code]
 implementation of a server providing XML status reports via TCP

Generated on Wed Nov 7 23:33:03 2007 for Qsieve by  doxygen 1.5.4