Go to the documentation of this file.
00012 #include <cstdlib>
00013 #include "unix_buffer.H"
00014 #include <fstream>
00015 #include <string>
00016 #include "qsieve-fwd.H" // for server port
00018 extern "C"
00019 {
00020  #include <getopt.h>
00021 }
00023 using namespace std;
00025 const char* const option_string = "+hgpvi:f:";
00026 static const struct option long_options[] =
00027 {
00028   { "help", 0, 0, 'h' },
00029   { "get", 0, 0, 'g' },
00030   { "put", 0, 0, 'p' },
00031   { "verbose", 0, 0, 'v' },
00032   { "interval", 1, 0, 'i' },
00033   { "file", 1, 0, 'f' },
00034   { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
00035 }; // refer "man 3 getopt" for this struct
00037 void usage(void)
00038 {
00039   cout << "usage: transfer-client [-h] [-v] [-g]|-p [-i interval] [-f file] <server>" << endl;
00040   cout << " -h, --help     this text" << endl;
00041   cout << " -g, --get      get-mode for fetching of sieve parameters from server" << endl;
00042   cout << " -p, --put      put-mode for sending relations to server" << endl;
00043   cout << " -v, --verbose  be verbose" << endl;
00044   cout << " -i, --interval <interval>" << endl;
00045   cout << "                number of polynomial intervals to fetch (default:25000)" << endl;
00046   cout << " -f, --file <file>" << endl;
00047   cout << "                file to save transmitted data (default:qsieve-fc.param)" << endl;
00048 }
00050 int main(const int argc, char* const argv[])
00051 {
00052   int polynome = 25000;
00053   const char *file = NULL;
00054   bool get = true;
00055   bool option = false;
00056   bool help = false;
00057   bool verbose = false;
00058   string s;
00059   int i, option_index;
00060   // check for parameters ;-)
00061   while ((i=getopt_long(argc,argv,option_string,long_options,&option_index))!=-1)
00062     {
00063       switch (i)
00064         {
00065         case 'g':
00066           if (option && !get)
00067             {
00068               cerr << "error: -f und -p are mutual exclusive!" << endl;
00069               exit(1);
00070             }
00071           option = get = true;
00072           break;
00073         case 'p':
00074           if (option && get)
00075             {
00076               cerr << "error: -f und -p are mutual exclusive!" << endl;
00077               exit(1);
00078             }
00079           option = true;
00080           get = false;
00081           break;
00082         case 'f':
00083           if (file != NULL)
00084             {
00085               cerr << "error: -f must be specified at most once!" << endl;
00086               exit(1);
00087             }
00088           file = optarg;
00089           break;
00090         case 'h':
00091           help = true;
00092           usage();
00093           break;
00094         case 'i':
00095           polynome = atoi (optarg);
00096           break;
00097         case 'v':
00098           verbose = true;
00099           break;
00100         default:
00101           usage();
00102           exit(1);
00103         }
00104     }
00106   if (file == NULL)
00107     {
00108       if (get)
00109         file = "qsieve-fc.param";
00110       else
00111         file = "qsieve-fc.param.out";
00112     }
00113   if (optind+1 != argc) {
00114     if (help) exit(0);
00115     cerr << "wrong number of parameters!" << endl;
00116     exit(1);
00117   }
00118   const string server = argv[optind];
00120   if(get)
00121     {
00122       char c;
00123       ofstream file_stream(file, ios::out|ios::trunc);
00124       {
00125         unix_io_stream communication_stream(server, server_port);
00126         communication_stream << QsieveLogon << endl;
00127         if (communication_stream.eof())
00128          {
00129            cerr << "Unexpected EOF!" << endl;
00130            exit(1);
00131          }
00132         else
00133          {
00134            communication_stream.get(c);
00135            if (c=='-')
00136             {
00137              cout.put(c);
00138              while (!communication_stream.eof())
00139               {
00140                communication_stream.get(c);
00141                cout.put(c);
00142               }
00143              exit(1);
00144             }
00145            else communication_stream.putback(c);
00146          }
00147         while (!communication_stream.eof())
00148           {
00149             communication_stream.get(c);
00150             file_stream.put(c);
00151             if (verbose) cout.put(c);
00152           }
00153       }
00154       {
00155         unix_io_stream communication_stream(server, server_port);
00156         communication_stream << "DynamicFactors?_ab_fpos 0" << endl;
00157         while (!communication_stream.eof())
00158           {
00159             communication_stream.get(c);
00160             file_stream.put(c);
00161             if (verbose) cout.put(c);
00162           }
00163       }
00164       {
00165         unix_io_stream communication_stream(server, server_port);
00166         communication_stream << "Polynom? " << polynome << endl;
00167         while (!communication_stream.eof())
00168           {
00169             communication_stream.get(c);
00170             file_stream.put(c);
00171             if (verbose) cout.put(c);
00172           }
00173       }
00174     }
00175   else
00176     {
00177       char c;
00178       ifstream file_stream(file, ios::in);
00179       if (!file_stream)
00180        {
00181          cerr << "Unable to open \"" << file << "\"" << endl;
00182          exit(1);
00183        }
00184       char kN_str[1024]; // "1024 bytes should be enough for everyone"
00185       file_stream.getline(kN_str,sizeof(kN_str),'\n');
00187       char line[1024];
00188       while (file_stream.peek()!=EOF)
00189         {
00190           int count = 1000+1; // transmit maximal count-1 relations per block
00191           unix_io_stream communication_stream(server, server_port);
00193           communication_stream << "NewRelations! " << kN_str << endl;
00194           // verify, that relations belong to our factorization
00195           communication_stream >> s;
00196           if (s!="proceed")
00197            {
00198              cerr << "Oops! Server will not accept my relations: " << endl;
00199              cerr << s << endl;
00200              exit(1);
00201            }
00203           while (file_stream.peek()!=EOF && --count)
00204           {
00205             communication_stream << "RL "; // new token for "Relation! "
00206             while (file_stream.peek()!='\n')
00207              {
00208                file_stream.get(line,sizeof(line),'\n');
00209                communication_stream << line;
00210                if (verbose) cout << line;
00211              }
00212             file_stream.get(c);
00213             communication_stream << endl;
00214             if (verbose) cout << endl;
00215           }
00216           communication_stream << "Relationsblock_Ende " << flush;
00217           communication_stream >> s;
00218           if (s!="empfangen.")
00219             cerr << "transmitted relations were not acknowledged by server!" << endl;
00220           if (s=="ignoriert!")
00221             {
00222               cerr << "Oops! - Relations were ignored by server!" << endl;
00223               cerr << "Please check, whether transmitted data in "
00224                    << "\"" << file << "\"" << endl
00225                    << "really belong to current server session!"
00226                    << endl;
00227               exit(1);
00228             }
00229         }
00230     }
00231 }

Generated on Wed Nov 7 23:29:26 2007 for Qsieve by  doxygen 1.5.4