
Go to the documentation of this file.
00010 #include <new>
00011 using std::nothrow;
00013 #include "utils.H"
00015 class myBitString
00016 {
00017 protected:
00018   int size;
00019   unsigned int *data;
00020   inline void resize(int newsize)
00021     {
00022       if (newsize < size) return;
00023       //cerr << "Resize " << size << " to " << newsize << endl;
00024       unsigned int *olddata = data;
00025       data = new(nothrow) unsigned int[newsize];
00026       if (!data)
00027         {
00028           cerr << "myBitString.resize(" << newsize << ") out of memory" << endl;
00029           exit(1);
00030         }
00031       for (int i=0; i<size; i++) data[i] = olddata[i];
00032       for (int i=size; i< newsize; i++) data[i]=0;
00033       size=newsize;
00034       if (olddata) delete [] olddata;
00035     }
00036 public:
00037   inline void optisize(void)
00038     {
00039       int i=size-1;
00040       while (i>=0 && data[i]==0) i--;
00041       if (i==size-1) return; // nothing to do...
00043       if (size<128)
00044        {
00045          // to avoid heap pollution for small sizes, simply decrease
00046          // the size without reallocating any heap memory
00047 #ifdef VERBOSE
00048          cout << "MyBitString::Optisize, no reallocate " << size << " to " << i+1 << endl;
00049 #endif
00050          size=i+1; return;
00051        }
00053 #ifdef VERBOSE
00054       cout << "MyBitString::Optisize, reallocate" << size << " to " << i+1 << endl;
00055 #endif
00056       if (i<0) { delete [] data; data=NULL; size=0; return; } // now empty
00058       size=i+1; // new size
00059       unsigned int *olddata = data;
00060       data = new(nothrow) unsigned int[size];
00061       if (!data)
00062         {
00063           cerr << "myBitString.optisize(" << size << ") out of memory" << endl;
00064           exit(1);
00065         }
00066       for (; i>=0; --i) data[i] = olddata[i];
00067       if (olddata) delete [] olddata;
00068     }
00070   inline myBitString(void) : size(0), data(NULL) { }
00071   inline ~myBitString(void)
00072     {
00073       if (data) delete [] data;
00074       data=NULL;
00075       size=0;
00076     }
00077   inline myBitString(const myBitString &rhs) : size(rhs.size), data(NULL)
00078    {
00079      data = new(nothrow) unsigned int[size];
00080      if (!data)
00081        {
00082          cerr << "myBitString.operator=(" << size << ") out of memory" << endl;
00083          exit(1);
00084        }
00085      for (int i=size-1; i>=0; --i) data[i] =[i];
00086    }
00087   inline myBitString& operator= (const myBitString &rhs)
00088    {
00089      if (data) delete [] data;
00090      size=rhs.size;
00091      data = new(nothrow) unsigned int[size];
00092      if (!data)
00093        {
00094          cerr << "myBitString.operator=(" << size << ") out of memory" << endl;
00095          exit(1);
00096        }
00097      for (int i=size-1; i>=0; --i) data[i] =[i];
00098      return *this;
00099    }
00100   inline int count(const bool b = true) const
00101     {
00102       int z=0;
00103       if (!b) return -1;
00104       for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
00105         {
00106           register unsigned int h = data[i];
00107           while (h)
00108             {
00109               if (h&1) z++;
00110               h>>=1;
00111             }
00112         }
00113       return z;
00114     }
00115   inline int first(const bool b = true) const
00116     {
00117       if (b)
00118         {
00119           for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
00120             {
00121               register unsigned int h = data[i];
00122               if (h)
00123                 {
00124                   int j;
00125                   asm("bsfl %0,%1" : "+g" (h), "=c" (j) );
00126                   return 32*i+j;
00127                 }
00128             }
00129           //cerr << "first(1)=-1" << endl;
00130           return -1;
00131         }
00132       else
00133         {
00134           cerr << "myBitString.first(0) not implemented" << endl;
00135           exit(1);
00136         }
00137     }
00138   inline int next(int pos, const bool b = true) const
00139     {
00140       int i,j;
00141       if (pos<0) return first(b);
00142       pos++;
00143       if (b)
00144         {
00145           i=pos>>5;
00146           j=pos&31;
00147           if (i>=size) return -1;
00148           register unsigned int h = data[i];
00149           h>>=j;
00150           if (h)
00151             {
00152               int j;
00153               asm("bsfl %0,%1" : "+g" (h), "=c" (j) );
00154               return pos+j;
00155             }
00156           else
00157             {
00158               j = 0;
00159               for (i++;i<size; i++)
00160                 {
00161                   h = data[i];
00162                   if (h)
00163                     {
00164                       int j;
00165                       asm("bsfl %0,%1" : "+g" (h), "=c" (j) );
00166                       return 32*i+j;
00167                     }
00168                 }
00169             }
00170           return -1;
00171         }
00172       else
00173         {
00174           cerr << " not implemented" << endl;
00175           exit(1);
00176         }
00177     }
00178   inline int last(const bool b = true) const
00179     {
00180       if (b)
00181         {
00182           for (register int i=size-1; i>=0; i--)
00183             {
00184               //cerr << "i=" << i << endl;
00185               register unsigned int h = data[i];
00186               if (h)
00187                 {
00188                   int j;
00189                   asm("bsrl %0,%1" : "+g" (h), "=c" (j) );
00190                   return 32*i+j;
00191                 }
00192             }
00193           //cerr << "last(1)=-1"<<endl;
00194           return -1;
00195         }
00196       else
00197         {
00198           cerr << "myBitString.last(0) not implemented" << endl;
00199           exit(1);
00200         }
00201     }
00202   inline int prev(int pos, const bool b = true) const
00203     {
00204       if (pos>32*size) return last(b);
00205       if (pos<=0) return -1;
00206       pos--;
00207       if (b)
00208         {
00209           int i=pos>>5;
00210           int j=pos&31;
00211           register unsigned int h = data[i];
00212           h<<=31-j;
00213           if (h)
00214             {
00215               int j;
00216               asm("bsrl %0,%1" : "+g" (h), "=c" (j) );
00217               return pos-(31-j);
00218             }
00219           else
00220             {
00221               for (i--;i>=0; i--)
00222                 {
00223                   h = data[i];
00224                   if (h)
00225                     {
00226                       int j;
00227                       asm("bsrl %0,%1" : "+g" (h), "=c" (j) );
00228                       return 32*i+j;
00229                     }
00230                 }
00231             }
00232           return -1;
00233         }
00234       else
00235         {
00236           cerr << "myBitString.prev(0) not implemented" << endl;
00237           exit(1);
00238         }
00239     }
00240   inline void invert(const int pos)
00241     {
00242       //cerr << "invert("<<pos<<")"<<endl;
00243       int i=pos>>5; // 32 bits = 2^5
00244       if (i>=size) resize(i+1);
00245       asm volatile ("btcl %1,(%0)" : : "q" (data), "r" (pos) : "cc"); // bit-test and complement
00246       // actually data[pos/32] gets modified (but we do not inform the compiler about this...)
00247     }
00248   inline bool test_and_invert(const int pos)
00249     {
00250       //cerr << "invert("<<pos<<")"<<endl;
00251       int i=pos>>5; // 32 bits = 2^5
00252       if (i>=size) resize(i+1);
00253       bool ret;
00254       asm ("btcl %[pos],(%[data])\n\tsetc %[flag]" : [flag] "=g" (ret) : [data] "q" (data), [pos] "r" (pos): "cc"); // bit-test and complement
00255        // actually data[pos/32] gets modified (but we do not inform the compiler about this...)
00256       return ret;
00257     }
00258   inline bool test(const int pos) const
00259     {
00260       if ((pos>>5)>=size) return false;
00261       bool r;
00262       asm ("btl %2,(%1)\n\tsetc %0" : "=r" (r) : "q" (data), "r" (pos) : "cc"); // bit-test and r=CarryFlag
00263       return r;
00264     }
00265   inline void set(const int pos, const bool b)
00266     {
00267       //cerr << "set("<<pos<< "," << b << ")" << endl;
00268       register int i=pos>>5;
00269       if (i>=size)
00270        {
00271          if (b)
00272            resize(i+1);
00273          else
00274            return;
00275        }
00276       if (b)
00277         asm volatile ("btsl %1,(%0)" : : "q" (data), "r" (pos) : "cc"); //data[i] |= bitmask[j];
00278       else
00279         asm volatile ("btrl %1,(%0)" : : "q" (data), "r" (pos) : "cc"); //data[i] &= ~bitmask[j];
00280       // actually data[pos/32] gets modified (but we do not inform the compiler about this...)
00281     }
00282   inline void set(const int pos)
00283     {
00284       register int i=pos>>5;
00285       if (i>=size) resize(i+1);
00286       asm  ("btsl %1,(%0)" : : "q" (data), "r" (pos) : "cc"); //data[i] |= bitmask[j];
00287       // actually data[pos/32] gets modified (but we do not inform the compiler about this...)
00288     }
00289   inline void _xor(const myBitString &s)
00290     {
00291       int i=s.size-1;
00292       while (i>=0 &&[i]==0) i--; // Nullen des zweiten BitStrings ignorieren
00293       if (i>=size) // <-> i+1>size
00294         {
00295           cerr << "myBitString.xor calls resize" << endl;
00296           resize(i+1);
00297         }
00298       for (; i>=0; --i)
00299         data[i] ^=[i];
00300     }
00301   inline const myBitString& operator ^= (const myBitString &s)
00302     {
00303       _xor(s); return *this;   
00304     }
00306   inline void _and(const myBitString &s1, const myBitString &s2)
00307   // der eigene Bitstring wird durch s1&s2 (komponentenweise) überschrieben
00308     {
00309       int i = MIN(s1.size,s2.size)-1;
00310       if (i>=size) // <-> i+1>size
00311         {
00312           // CAUTION:  (this == &s1 || this == &s2) -> BOOM!!
00313           // But since (this == &s1 || this == &s2) also
00314           // implies MIN(s1.size,s2.size)-1 < size, we can safely
00315           // destroy the array...
00316           if (data) delete [] data; // alten Vektor löschen
00317           size=i+1;
00318           data = new unsigned int[size];
00319           // initialisieren der Bits des neuen Vektors nicht notwendig (geschieht ja gleich durch das and)
00320         }
00321       else
00322        {
00323          register int j=size-1;
00324          while (j>i) data[j--]=0; // überschüssige Bits im Resultat löschen
00325        }
00326       for (; i>=0; --i)
00327         data[i] =[i] &[i];
00328     }
00330   template<typename T> void test_and_add_carry(const myBitString &s2, T &CarryVec) const
00331   // generic version, but still fast (will be automatically used, if no
00332   // specialized version is defined below)
00333   // temporäre (komponentenweise) AND-Verknüpfung den eigenen Bitstrings
00334   // mit s2; den Vektor CarryVector an den korrespondierenden gesetzten
00335   // Positionen inkrementieren.
00336     {
00337       const int s = MIN(size,s2.size);
00338       const int Bits = 8*sizeof(unsigned int);
00339       for (int i=0; i<s; ++i)
00340        {
00341          register unsigned int h = data[i] &[i];
00342          register int j=0;
00343          while (h)
00344           {
00345             if (h&0xff)
00346              {
00347                CarryVec[Bits*i+j  ]+=h&1;
00348                CarryVec[Bits*i+j+1]+=(h>>1)&1;
00349                CarryVec[Bits*i+j+2]+=(h>>2)&1;
00350                CarryVec[Bits*i+j+3]+=(h>>3)&1;
00351                CarryVec[Bits*i+j+4]+=(h>>4)&1;
00352                CarryVec[Bits*i+j+5]+=(h>>5)&1;
00353                CarryVec[Bits*i+j+6]+=(h>>6)&1;
00354                CarryVec[Bits*i+j+7]+=(h>>7)&1;
00355              }
00356             h>>=8;
00357             j+=8;
00358           }
00359        }
00360     }
00362 #if 1 && defined(ASM_SSE2)
00363  #if defined(VERBOSE)
00364   #warning "support for test_and_add_carry(...), (uint16, using SSE2)"
00365  #endif
00366   void test_and_add_carry(const myBitString &s2, unsigned short int CarryVec[]) const
00367   // temporäre (komponentenweise) AND-Verknüpfung den eigenen Bitstrings
00368   // mit s2; den Vektor CarryVector an den korrespondierenden gesetzten
00369   // Positionen inkrementieren.
00370     {
00371       //cout << "spezialisierte Variante uint16 (using SSE2)" << endl;
00373       static const unsigned short int PackedMultipl[8] __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) = { 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 };
00374        // these multipliers are needed to shift the bits of the packed words to the desired position
00376 #ifdef DEBUG
00377       if (reinterpret_cast<unsigned long int>(&PackedMultipl[0]) & 0x0fUL)
00378        {
00379          cerr << "Address of PackedMultipl is " << &PackedMultipl[0]
00380               << " which is not 16 byte aligned as requested!" << endl;
00381        }
00382 #endif
00384       int s = MIN(size,s2.size)-1; // doublewords (minus 1) to process
00385       // int s = MIN(last(),s2.last()); if (s>0) s/=32;
00387       // important:
00388       //  (i) we preload -4(%[data1],%[i],4) and -4(%[data2],%[i],4);
00389       //      fencepost error (reading -4(%[data]), resp. -4(%[data2]) is avoided by using %%eax instead of %[i]
00390       //  (ii) CarryVec MUST be 16-byte aligned!! (otherwise the program segfaults!)
00392       asm volatile ( \
00393        "test %[i],%[i] \n\t" \
00394        "js 9f \n\t" \
00395        "movl $0x00010001,%%eax \n\t" \
00396        "movl %[i],%%edx \n\t" \
00397        "movd %%eax,%%xmm7 \n\t" \
00398        "movdqu %[PM],%%xmm6 # movdqa would be better, but cygwin alignment seems to be broken \n\t" \
00399        "movl (%[data1],%[i],4),%%eax \n\t" \
00400        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm7,%%xmm7 \n\t" \
00401        "shll $6,%%edx \n\t" \
00402        "andl (%[data2],%[i],4),%%eax \n\t" \
00403        "addl %[V],%%edx \n\t" \
00404        "movd %%eax,%%xmm4 \n\t" \
00405        "mov %[i],%%eax \n\t" \
00406        "1: \n\t" \
00407        "dec %%eax \n\t" \
00408        "cmovs %[i],%%eax \n\t" \
00409        "prefetchnta -72(%[data2],%[i],4) \n\t" \
00410        "pshuflw $0x00,%%xmm4,%%xmm1 \n\t" \
00411        "pshuflw $0x55,%%xmm4,%%xmm3 \n\t" \
00412        "movd (%[data1],%%eax,4),%%xmm5 \n\t" \
00413        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm1,%%xmm1 \n\t" \
00414        "pshufd $0x00,%%xmm3,%%xmm2 \n\t" \
00415        "pmullw %%xmm6,%%xmm1 \n\t" \
00416        "movd (%[data2],%%eax,4),%%xmm4 \n\t" \
00417        "movdqa %%xmm1,%%xmm0 \n\t" \
00418        "psrlw $15,%%xmm1 \n\t" \
00419        "pmullw %%xmm6,%%xmm2 \n\t" \
00420        "psrlw $7,%%xmm0 \n\t" \
00421        "movdqa %%xmm2,%%xmm3 \n\t" \
00422        "psrlw $7,%%xmm2 \n\t" \
00423        "pand %%xmm7,%%xmm0 \n\t" \
00424        "psrlw $15,%%xmm3 \n\t" \
00425        "pand %%xmm7,%%xmm2 \n\t" \
00426        "paddw (%%edx),%%xmm0 \n\t" \
00427        "paddw 16(%%edx),%%xmm1 \n\t" \
00428        "pand %%xmm5,%%xmm4 \n\t" \
00429        "paddw 32(%%edx),%%xmm2 \n\t" \
00430        "paddw 48(%%edx),%%xmm3 \n\t" \
00431        "movdqa %%xmm0,(%%edx) \n\t" \
00432        "movdqa %%xmm1,16(%%edx) \n\t" \
00433        "movdqa %%xmm2,32(%%edx) \n\t" \
00434        "movdqa %%xmm3,48(%%edx) \n\t" \
00435        "3: subl $64,%%edx \n\t" \
00436        "decl %[i] \n\t" \
00437        "jns 1b \n\t" \
00438        "9: " \
00439        : [i] "+r" (s)
00440        : [PM] "m" (PackedMultipl[0]), [data1] "r" (data), [data2] "r" (, [V] "D" (CarryVec)
00441        : "memory", "cc", "eax", "edx", "xmm0", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3", "xmm4", "xmm5", "xmm6", "xmm7");
00442     }
00443 #elif defined(ASM_ATHLON) || (defined (ASM_MMX) && defined(ASM_SSE))
00444 #ifdef DEBUG
00445  #warning "support for test_and_add_carry(...), (uint16, using MMX/MMX-extensions)"
00446 #endif
00447   void test_and_add_carry(const myBitString &s2, unsigned short int CarryVec[]) const
00448   // temporäre (komponentenweise) AND-Verknüpfung den eigenen Bitstrings
00449   // mit s2; den Vektor CarryVector an den korrespondierenden gesetzten
00450   // Positionen inkrementieren.
00451     {
00452       //cout << "spezialisierte Variante uint16 (using MMX/3DNow!)" << endl;
00453       static const unsigned short int PackedMultipl[4] __attribute__ ((aligned (8))) = { 8,4,2,1 };
00454       int s = MIN(size,s2.size)-1;
00455       asm volatile ( \
00456        "test %[i],%[i] \n\t" \
00457        "js 9f \n\t" \
00458        "movl $0x00010001,%%eax \n\t" \
00459        "movd %%eax,%%mm7 \n\t" \
00460        "movq %[PM],%%mm6 \n\t" \
00461        "punpckldq %%mm7,%%mm7 \n\t" \
00462        "1: movl (%[data1],%[i],4),%%eax \n\t" \
00463        "movl %[i],%%edx \n\t" \
00464        "andl (%[data2],%[i],4),%%eax \n\t" \
00465        "shll $5,%%edx \n\t" \
00466        "prefetchnta -64(%[data2],%[i],4) \n\t" \
00467        "2: \n\t" \
00468        "movd %%eax,%%mm0 \n\t" \
00469        "pshufw $0x00,%%mm0,%%mm0 \n\t" \
00470        "pmullw %%mm6,%%mm0 \n\t" \
00471        "movq %%mm0,%%mm1 \n\t" \
00472        "movq %%mm0,%%mm2 \n\t" \
00473        "movq %%mm0,%%mm3 \n\t" \
00474        "psrlw $3,%%mm0 \n\t" \
00475        "psrlw $7,%%mm1 \n\t" \
00476        "psrlw $11,%%mm2 \n\t" \
00477        "psrlw $15,%%mm3 \n\t" \
00478        "pand %%mm7,%%mm0 \n\t" \
00479        "pand %%mm7,%%mm1 \n\t" \
00480        "pand %%mm7,%%mm2 \n\t" \
00481        "paddw (%[V],%%edx,2),%%mm0 \n\t" \
00482        "paddw 8(%[V],%%edx,2),%%mm1 \n\t" \
00483        "paddw 16(%[V],%%edx,2),%%mm2 \n\t" \
00484        "paddw 24(%[V],%%edx,2),%%mm3 \n\t" \
00485        "movq %%mm0,(%[V],%%edx,2) \n\t" \
00486        "movq %%mm1,8(%[V],%%edx,2) \n\t" \
00487        "movq %%mm2,16(%[V],%%edx,2) \n\t" \
00488        "movq %%mm3,24(%[V],%%edx,2) \n\t" \
00489        "addl $16,%%edx \n\t" \
00490        "shrl $16,%%eax \n\t" \
00491        "jnz 2b \n\t" \
00492        "decl %[i] \n\t" \
00493        "jns 1b \n\t" \
00494        "emms \n\t" \
00495        "9: " \
00496        : [i] "+r" (s)
00497        : [PM] "m" (PackedMultipl[0]), [data1] "r" (data), [data2] "r" (, [V] "D" (CarryVec)
00498        : "memory", "cc", "eax", "edx", "mm0", "mm1", "mm2", "mm3", "mm6", "mm7");
00499     }
00500 #else
00501   void test_and_add_carry(const myBitString &s2, unsigned short int CarryVec[]) const
00502   // temporäre (komponentenweise) AND-Verknüpfung den eigenen Bitstrings
00503   // mit s2; den Vektor CarryVector an den korrespondierenden gesetzten
00504   // Positionen inkrementieren.
00505     {
00506       //cout << "spezialisierte Variante uint16" << endl;
00507       int s = MIN(size,s2.size)-1;
00508       asm volatile ( \
00509        "test %[i],%[i] \n\t" \
00510        "js 9f \n\t" \
00511        "1: movl (%[data1],%[i],4),%%eax \n\t" \
00512        "movl %[i],%%edx \n\t" \
00513        "andl (%[data2],%[i],4),%%eax \n\t" \
00514        "shll $5,%%edx \n\t" \
00515        "2: shrl %%eax \n\t" \
00516        "adcw $0,(%[V],%%edx,2) \n\t" \
00517        "shrl %%eax \n\t" \
00518        "adcw $0,2(%[V],%%edx,2) \n\t" \
00519        "shrl %%eax \n\t" \
00520        "adcw $0,4(%[V],%%edx,2) \n\t" \
00521        "shrl %%eax \n\t" \
00522        "adcw $0,6(%[V],%%edx,2) \n\t" \
00523        "shrl %%eax \n\t" \
00524        "adcw $0,8(%[V],%%edx,2) \n\t" \
00525        "shrl %%eax \n\t" \
00526        "adcw $0,10(%[V],%%edx,2) \n\t" \
00527        "shrl %%eax \n\t" \
00528        "adcw $0,12(%[V],%%edx,2) \n\t" \
00529        "shrl %%eax \n\t" \
00530        "adcw $0,14(%[V],%%edx,2) \n\t" \
00531        "addl $8,%%edx \n\t" \
00532        "test %%eax,%%eax \n\t" \
00533        "jnz 2b \n\t" \
00534        "decl %[i] \n\t" \
00535        "jns 1b \n\t" \
00536        "9: " \
00537        : [i] "+r" (s)
00538        : [data1] "r" (data), [data2] "r" (, [V] "D" (CarryVec)
00539        : "memory", "cc", "eax", "edx");
00540     }
00541 #endif
00544 #if 1
00545   void test_and_add_carry(const myBitString &s2, unsigned int CarryVec[]) const
00546   // temporäre (komponentenweise) AND-Verknüpfung den eigenen Bitstrings
00547   // mit s2; den Vektor CarryVector an den korrespondierenden gesetzten
00548   // Positionen inkrementieren.
00549     {
00550       //cout << "spezialisierte Variante uint32" << endl;
00551       int s = MIN(size,s2.size)-1;
00552       asm volatile ( \
00553        "test %[i],%[i] \n\t" \
00554        "js 9f \n\t" \
00555        "1: movl (%[data1],%[i],4),%%eax \n\t" \
00556        "movl %[i],%%edx \n\t" \
00557        "andl (%[data2],%[i],4),%%eax \n\t" \
00558        "shll $5,%%edx \n\t" \
00559        "2: btl $0,%%eax \n\t" \
00560        "adcl $0,(%[V],%%edx,4) \n\t" \
00561        "btl $1,%%eax \n\t" \
00562        "adcl $0,4(%[V],%%edx,4) \n\t" \
00563        "btl $2,%%eax \n\t" \
00564        "adcl $0,8(%[V],%%edx,4) \n\t" \
00565        "btl $3,%%eax \n\t" \
00566        "adcl $0,12(%[V],%%edx,4) \n\t" \
00567        "btl $4,%%eax \n\t" \
00568        "adcl $0,16(%[V],%%edx,4) \n\t" \
00569        "btl $5,%%eax \n\t" \
00570        "adcl $0,20(%[V],%%edx,4) \n\t" \
00571        "btl $6,%%eax \n\t" \
00572        "adcl $0,24(%[V],%%edx,4) \n\t" \
00573        "btl $7,%%eax \n\t" \
00574        "adcl $0,28(%[V],%%edx,4) \n\t" \
00575        "addl $8,%%edx \n\t" \
00576        "shrl $8,%%eax \n\t" \
00577        "jnz 2b \n\t" \
00578        "decl %[i] \n\t" \
00579        "jns 1b \n\t" \
00580        "9: " \
00581        : [i] "+r" (s)
00582        : [data1] "r" (data), [data2] "r" (, [V] "D" (CarryVec)
00583        : "memory", "cc", "eax", "edx");
00584     }
00585 #endif
00587 };
00589 #endif

Generated on Wed Nov 7 23:29:25 2007 for Qsieve by  doxygen 1.5.4