
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef polphi_template_HEADER
00002 #define polphi_template_HEADER
00010 #include <vector>
00011 #include <sstream>
00013 extern void get_fft_parameter(unsigned int &pg_returnvalue, unsigned int &pms_returnvalue,
00014                               const double phase2, const mpz_t N);
00016 template <class CRing, class CRingPhase2>
00017 void polphi_template(const int phase1, const double phase2)
00018 {
00019   // Pollard-Phi method modified in three phases:
00020   // Phase 0: small numbers up to a constant upper limit
00021   // Phase 1: prime numbers up to "phase1" as upper limit
00022   //          [ factor will be detected, if a prime factor P minus 1 is a product of some of these prime numbers ]
00023   // Phase 2: prime numbers up to "phase2" as upper limit
00024   //          [ factor will be detected, if the only one missing prime factor of P-1 in phase 1 is within phase 2 ]
00025   //          (improved standard continuation with pairing & fft)
00027   using numtheory::is_prime;
00028   using numtheory::gcd;
00030   mpz_t x,y;
00031   mpz_init(x); mpz_init(y);
00033   CRing a,b;
00035   std::vector<int> KnownIndices;
00036   int PreviousIndex = 0;
00037   unsigned int polphi_seed = 0;
00038   const int i_Start = 2;
00039   int i;
00040   short int d;
00042 restart_phi0_with_new_seed:
00043   KnownIndices.clear(); PreviousIndex=0;
00044   ++polphi_seed;
00046   //
00047   // Phase 0: small numbers (and powers of small prime numbers)
00048   //
00050   cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl;
00051   cout << CRing::name << "-phase 0" << endl;
00052   if (!a.set_startvalue(polphi_seed)) goto done; // seed wasn't accepted
00053   for (i=i_Start; i<10000; i++)
00054     {
00055       a.pow_mod(i,n);
00056 retry:
00057       a.test_gcd(x,n);
00058       if (mpz_cmp_ui(x,1)!=0) // factor found?
00059         {
00060           cout << "factor found in phase 0: i=" << i << endl;
00061           if (mpz_cmp(x,n)==0) // gefundener Faktor = n ?
00062             {
00063               cout << "factor is trivial." << endl;
00065               int h=i; int j=2;
00066               while (h>j) // determine biggest prime factor
00067                {
00068                  while(h>j && h%j==0) h/=j;
00069                  ++j;
00070                }
00072               if (KnownIndices.empty()) KnownIndices.push_back(h);
00073               else // was it added in previous run?
00074                if (PreviousIndex!=i || KnownIndices.back()!=h) KnownIndices.push_back(h);
00075                else
00076                 {
00077                   // then -- should the occasion arise -- remove it!
00078                   if (KnownIndices.back()!=i/h) KnownIndices.pop_back();
00079                   // and replace it by another divisor
00080                   KnownIndices.push_back(i/h);
00081                 }
00082               PreviousIndex=i;
00084 #ifdef VERBOSE_INFO
00085               cout << "KnownIndices:";
00086               for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator p=KnownIndices.begin(); p!=KnownIndices.end(); ++p) cout << " " << *p;
00087               cout << endl;
00088 #endif
00090               if (KnownIndices.empty() || KnownIndices.back()==1)
00091                {
00092 #ifdef VERBOSE_INFO
00093                  MARK; cout << "Giving up for " << n << endl;
00094                  //{ char ch; cin >> ch; }
00095 #endif
00096                  goto restart_phi0_with_new_seed; // trivial factor -> try to roll up factors differently or abort this procedure
00097                }
00099               if (KnownIndices.size()<100)
00100                {
00101                  a.set_startvalue(polphi_seed);
00102                  for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator p=KnownIndices.begin(); p!=KnownIndices.end(); ++p) a.pow_mod(*p,n);
00103                  cout << "Trying again..." << endl;
00104                  i=i_Start; goto retry;
00105                }
00106 #ifdef VERBOSE_WARN
00107               MARK; cout << "Aborting for " << n << endl;
00108               //{ char ch; cin >> ch; }
00109 #endif
00110               goto restart_phi0_with_new_seed; // trivial factor -> try to roll up factors differently or abort this procedure
00111             }
00113           if (mpz_probab_prime_p(x,probab_prime_checks))
00114             {
00115               const unsigned int exponent=mpz_remove(n,n,x);
00116               cout << x << " is factor." << endl;
00117               std::ostringstream comment;
00118               comment << " [" << CRing::name << "0]";
00119               Factorization_to_file << MAL(x,exponent,comment) << flush;
00120             }
00121           else
00122             {
00123               cout << x << " is composite factor." << endl;
00124               mpz_divexact(n,n,x);
00125               if (mpz_probab_prime_p(n,probab_prime_checks))
00126                {
00127                  mpz_swap(n,x);
00128                  cout << x << " is factor." << endl;
00129                  std::ostringstream comment;
00130                  comment << " [" << CRing::name << "0/factorswap]";
00131                  Factorization_to_file << MAL(x,comment) << flush;
00132                  //goto done;
00133                }
00134               else
00135                {
00136                 mpz_t saved_n;
00137                 mpz_init_set(saved_n,n);
00138                 mpz_swap(n,x);
00139 #ifdef VERBOSE_INFO
00140                 cout << "Calling " << CRing::name << " (recursive)..." << endl;
00141 #endif
00142                 polphi_template<CRing,CRingPhase2>(phase1,phase2);
00143 #ifdef VERBOSE_INFO
00144                 cout << "back from recursion. Continuing with " << CRing::name << endl;
00145 #endif
00146                 const unsigned int exponent=mpz_remove(saved_n,saved_n,n)+1;
00147                 std::ostringstream comment;
00148                 comment << " [" << CRing::name << "0]";
00149                 if (mpz_probab_prime_p(n,probab_prime_checks))
00150                  Factorization_to_file << MAL(n,exponent,comment) << flush;
00151                 else
00152                  {
00153                    comment << " [composite]";
00154                    Factorization_to_file << MAL(n,exponent,comment) << flush;
00155                  }
00156                 mpz_swap(n,saved_n); mpz_clear(saved_n);
00157                }
00158               a.set_startvalue(polphi_seed); i=i_Start;
00159             }
00160           KnownIndices.clear(); PreviousIndex=0;
00161           if (mpz_probab_prime_p(n,probab_prime_checks) || mpz_cmp_ui(n,1)==0) goto done;
00162         }
00163     }
00164   a.pow_mod(2,n); // guarantee that index is an even value
00166   //  
00167   // Phase 1: prime numbers (without powers)
00168   //
00169   {
00170    // Phase 1: prime numbers (without powers)
00171    const int D=CRing::SieveIntervalSize;
00172    i=i-(i%D); // i with constraint i=5 (mod 6) for fast calculation of prime numbers
00173    cout << CRing::name << "-phase 1" << endl;
00174    while (i<=phase1)
00175     {
00176 #ifdef REACT_ON_SIGUSR
00177       if (USRSignalHandler.got_SIGUSR1()) goto done;
00178       if (USRSignalHandler.got_SIGUSR2()) break;
00179 #endif
00180       b.set(a); // memorize old value (to be able to roll up, if necessary)
00181       // sieving prime numbers
00182       bool sieve[D];
00183       for (int j=1; j<=D; j+=2) sieve[j]=true; // initialize sieve
00184       for (int p=5, dp=2; p*p<D+i; p+=dp, dp=6-dp)
00185        for (int j=p-(i%p); j<D; j+=p) sieve[j]=false;
00186        /* 
00187          Note:
00188           a) p*p<D+i is a little bit too strong as constraint for
00189              detecting prime numbers, but that doesn't matter because of Phase 0.
00190              (-> Prime numbers below sqrt(D) are not detected) 
00191           b) p-(i%p) is p, if p divides i; (this is unwanted!)
00192              but: we don't need Index 0 later on, anyway. So it doesn't matter.
00193        */
00195       for (int j=1, dj=4; j<D; j+=dj, dj=6-dj)
00196        {
00197          //if (sieve[j]!=is_prime(i+j))
00198          //  { cerr << "inconsistency for: " << i+j << endl; }
00199          if (sieve[j]) a.fast_pow_mod(i+j,n);
00200        }
00201       /* Bemerkung:
00202          Nicht durch die Literatur verwirren lassen:
00203          Das akkumulierte Produkt der (a-1)-Werte muß natürlich
00204          nicht gebildet werden. Das wäre eine total überflüssige
00205          Aktion, da ein Teiler auch bei nachfolgenden a's erhalten
00206          bleibt (aufgrund des kleinen Fermatschen Satzes!).
00207          Falls sich andererseits mehrere Teiler akkumulieren, so kann
00208          auch das akkumulierte Produkt dies nicht verhindern...
00209       */
00210       // the loop avoids frequent gcd-computations;
00211       // in seldom cases multiple factors may be found, which cannot be separated.
00212       // -> Phi-Method fails in these cases (if necessary: reduce loop size D)
00214       int old_i=i; i+=D;
00215 #ifdef VERBOSE_NOTICE
00216       cout << "Phase1: " << i << "/" << phase1 << "\r" << flush;
00217 #endif
00219       a.test_gcd(x,n);
00220       if (mpz_cmp_ui(x,1)!=0)
00221         {
00222           cout << "factor found in phase 1: i=" << i << endl;
00223           if (mpz_cmp(x,n)==0) // is found factor = n ?
00224             {
00225 trivialer_factor_found:
00226               cout << "Found factor is trivial, trying to isolate..." << endl;
00227               a.set(b); // Basis vom Intervallanfang
00228               i=old_i; // zurück zum Intervallanfang
00229               for (int j=1, dj=4; j<D; j+=dj, dj=6-dj) if (sieve[j])
00230                {
00231                  a.pow_mod(i+j,n);
00232                  a.test_gcd(x,n);
00233                  if (mpz_cmp_ui(x,1)!=0)
00234                   { 
00235                     if (mpz_cmp(x,n)==0) // is found factor = n ?
00236                      {
00237                        cout << "factor is trivial, aborting." << endl;
00238                        goto done; // trivial factor -> try to roll up in another fashion or abort this procedure
00239                      }
00240                     else
00241                      {
00242                        cout << "non-trivial factor isolated at i=" << i+j << endl;
00243                        break; // factor isolated...
00244                      }
00245                   }
00246                }
00247             }
00248           if (mpz_probab_prime_p(x,probab_prime_checks))
00249             {
00250               const unsigned int exponent=mpz_remove(n,n,x);
00251               cout << x << " is factor." << endl;
00252               std::ostringstream comment;
00253               comment << " [" << CRing::name << "1]";
00254               Factorization_to_file << MAL(x,exponent,comment) << flush;
00255             }
00256           else
00257             {
00258               mpz_divexact(n,n,x);
00259               cout << x << " is composite factor." << endl;
00260               if (mpz_probab_prime_p(n,probab_prime_checks))
00261                {
00262                  cout << n << " is factor." << endl;
00263                  std::ostringstream comment;
00264                  comment << " [" << CRing::name << "1/factorswap]";
00265                  Factorization_to_file << MAL(n,comment) << flush;
00266                  mpz_set(n,x); goto trivialer_factor_found;
00267                }
00268               else
00269                {
00270                  cout << "Found factor is composite, trying to isolate..." << endl;
00271                  // The found factor is composite and has already been divided out of our number n.
00272                  // We could multiply him back again, but we can do much better:
00273                  // As we are only interested in splitting our composite factor, we can
00274                  // repeat the search in the previous interval, but this time modulo the composite factor!
00275                  // For this reason we need local variables for the base "a" and our "n", because
00276                  // their original values are needed in the main loop, so we shouldn't clobber them.
00278                  mpz_t local_n;
00279                  CRing local_a;
00280                  mpz_init_set(local_n,x);
00281                  local_a.set(b); // Basis vom Intervallanfang
00282                  for (int j=1, dj=4; j<D; j+=dj, dj=6-dj) if (sieve[j])
00283                   {
00284                     local_a.pow_mod(old_i+j,local_n);
00285                     local_a.test_gcd(x,local_n);
00286                     if (mpz_cmp_ui(x,1)!=0)
00287                      {
00288                       mpz_divexact(local_n,local_n,x);
00289                       const unsigned int exponent=mpz_remove(n,n,x)+1;
00290                       cout << x << " is factor." << endl;
00291                       if (mpz_probab_prime_p(x,probab_prime_checks))
00292                        {
00293                         cout << "factor isolated at i=" << old_i+j << endl;
00294                         std::ostringstream comment;
00295                         comment << " [" << CRing::name << "1]";
00296                         Factorization_to_file << MAL(x,exponent,comment) << flush;
00297                        }
00298                       else
00299                        {
00300                         cout << "factor still composite at i=" << old_i+j << endl;
00301                         std::ostringstream comment;
00302                         comment << " [" << CRing::name << "1] [composite]";
00303                         Factorization_to_file << MAL(x,exponent,comment) << flush;
00304                        }
00305                       if (mpz_cmp_ui(local_n,1)==0) break;
00306                      }
00307                   }
00308                  if (mpz_cmp_ui(local_n,1)!=0)
00309                   {
00310                     MARK; cerr << "Error: local_n should be 1 now!" << endl; exit(1);
00311                   }
00312                  mpz_clear(local_n);
00313                }
00314             }
00315           if (mpz_probab_prime_p(n,probab_prime_checks) || mpz_cmp_ui(n,1)==0) goto done;
00316         }
00317     }
00318    i--; d=4; while (!is_prime(i)) { i-=d; d=6-d; } // adjust "i" to previous prime number
00319 #ifdef VERBOSE_NOTICE
00320    cout << CRing::name << "-phase 1, up to " << i << endl;
00321 #endif
00322    if (i>=phase2) goto done;
00323   }
00325   //
00326   // Phase 2
00327   //
00330   /* improved standard continuation with pairing & fft */
00331   {
00332    double ii=i;
00333    //const double i = -1; // uncomment this just to be sure that i isn't used anymore...
00335    // Phase 2: isolated (prime) number: p-1 has to be completely decomposable before, except for the one factor to detect within this phase
00336    cout << CRing::name << "-phase 2 (improved with pairing & fft)" << endl;
00338    // for info about these values: see elliptic curves, fft-continuation!
00339    unsigned int pg=256, pms=2*1050;
00340    get_fft_parameter(pg,pms,phase2,n); // get parameter (pg,pms) for "phase2"
00342    const unsigned int D = pms;
00343    const unsigned int Polynom_Index = pg;
00345    //cout << "size of polynomial: " << Polynom_Index << endl;
00346    //cout << "single interval size:" << D << endl;
00348    const polynomial::TPolynom collector = new mpz_t[Polynom_Index];
00349    for (unsigned int j=0; j<Polynom_Index; ++j) mpz_init(collector[j]);
00351    // "a" is the initial value for Phase 2
00352    CRingPhase2 a_phase2(a);
00354    // Precomputing most common used values:
00355    unsigned int Polynom_Index_i = 0;
00356    for (unsigned int j=1; j<D/2; j+=2)
00357     {
00358       if (gcd(j,D)==1)
00359        {
00360          a_phase2.get_polynomdef_point(x);
00361          mpz_set(collector[Polynom_Index_i++],x);
00362        }
00363       a_phase2.calc_polynomdef_next_point(); 
00364     }
00366 #ifdef VERBOSE_INFO
00367    cout << "original size of polynomial: " << Polynom_Index_i << endl;
00368 #endif
00369    polynomial::TPolynom Polynom = NULL; // polynomial we're going to construct
00370    // fill up with zeros up to the next power of two
00371    // Note: It would be better to add other points outside our search interval.
00372    { 
00373      unsigned int anz_Punkte=Polynom_Index_i;    
00374      while (anz_Punkte<Polynom_Index) mpz_set_ui(collector[anz_Punkte++],0);
00375      Polynom_Index_i=polynomial::construct_polynomial_from_roots(Polynom,collector,anz_Punkte,n);
00376 #ifdef VERBOSE_INFO
00377      cout << "polynomial created. size of polynomial = " << Polynom_Index_i << endl;
00378 #endif
00379    }
00381    ii=floor(ii/D)*D; // that is: ii=ii-(ii%D); // determine starting point
00382    a_phase2.calc_EvalStartingPoint(D,ii);
00383    ii-=D/2; // normalize interval from [i-D/2,i+D/2] to [i,i+D] (to ease notation)
00384    while (ii<=phase2)
00385     {
00386 #ifdef VERBOSE_NOTICE
00387       cout << "Phase2: " << std::setprecision(0) << ii << "/" << phase2 << endl << flush;
00388 #endif
00389 #ifdef VERBOSE_INFO
00390       cout << "Computing and collecting values..." << endl;
00391 #endif
00393       // collecting values
00394       unsigned int collector_index=0;
00395       while (collector_index<(Polynom_Index_i-1)/2)
00396        {
00397          a_phase2.get_point_and_calc_next_point(x);
00398          mpz_set(collector[collector_index++],x);
00399          // compute values for next interval...
00400          ii+=D; // new interval (up to "i" the interval has been calculated)
00401        }
00403 #ifdef REACT_ON_SIGUSR
00404       if (USRSignalHandler.got_SIGUSR1()) goto done_phase2;
00405       if (USRSignalHandler.got_SIGUSR2()) continue;
00406 #endif
00408       // start polynomial evaluation
00409 #ifdef VERBOSE_NOTICE
00410       cout << "Phase2: " << std::setprecision(0) << ii << "/" << phase2 << endl << flush;
00411 #endif
00412 #ifdef VERBOSE_INFO
00413       cout << "starting multipoint polynomial evaluation" << endl;
00414       cout << "Parameter: polynomial size: " << Polynom_Index_i
00415            << ", points to evaluate: " << collector_index << endl;
00416 #endif
00417       polynomial::multipoint_eval(collector,Polynom,Polynom_Index_i,collector,collector_index,n);
00418 #ifdef VERBOSE_INFO
00419       cout << "polynomial evaluation finished, computing gcd." << endl;
00420 #endif
00421       mpz_set(y,collector[0]);
00422       for (unsigned int j=1; j<collector_index; ++j)
00423         { mpz_mul(y,y,collector[j]); mpz_mod(y,y,n); }
00424       // nun (erst) den ggT ermitteln
00425       mpz_gcd(x,y,n);
00426       if (mpz_cmp_ui(x,1)==0) continue;
00428       // now one or more factor have been found
00429       // possible problem: bundled factors which have to be separated
00430       // Da es aber nur log-viele Teiler geben kann, ist dieser
00431       // Abschnitt nicht zeitkritisch; also stört es wenig, alle
00432       // Werte nochmal durchzugehen (dies senkt die Wahrscheinlichkeit,
00433       // akkumulierte Teiler zu erhalten).
00435       for (unsigned int j=0; j<collector_index; ++j)
00436        {
00437          mpz_gcd(x,collector[j],n);
00438          if (mpz_cmp_ui(x,1)!=0)
00439           {
00440            cout << "factor found in phase 2: i=" << ii << endl;
00441            if (mpz_probab_prime_p(x,probab_prime_checks))
00442             {
00443               const unsigned int exponent=mpz_remove(n,n,x);
00444               cout << x << " is factor." << endl;
00445               std::ostringstream comment;
00446               comment << " [" << CRing::name << "2]";
00447               Factorization_to_file << MAL(x,exponent,comment) << flush;
00448             }
00449            else
00450             {
00451               mpz_divexact(n,n,x);
00452               cout << x << " is composite factor." << endl;
00453               if (mpz_probab_prime_p(n,probab_prime_checks))
00454                {
00455                  mpz_swap(n,x);
00456                  cout << x << " is factor." << endl;
00457                  std::ostringstream comment;
00458                  comment << " [" << CRing::name << "2/factorswap]";
00459                  Factorization_to_file << MAL(x,comment) << flush;
00460                }
00461               else
00462                {
00463                  if (mpz_cmp_ui(n,1)==0)
00464                   {
00465                     // this is really interesting!
00466                     mpz_swap(n,x);
00467                     mpz_set_d(y,ii); // short hack to get a well-formatted ii
00468                     Factorization_to_file << "! [" << CRing::name << "2/trivial! i=" << y << "]" << flush;
00469                     goto done_phase2;
00470                   }
00471                  else
00472                   {
00473                     std::ostringstream comment;
00474                     comment << " [" << CRing::name << "2] [composite]";
00475                     Factorization_to_file << MAL(x,comment) << flush;
00476                   }
00477                }
00478             }
00479            if (mpz_probab_prime_p(n,probab_prime_checks)) goto done_phase2;
00480            if (mpz_cmp_ui(n,1)==0) goto done_phase2;
00481            // reduce polynomial modulo n:
00482            for (unsigned int j=0; j<Polynom_Index_i; ++j) mpz_mod(Polynom[j],Polynom[j],n);
00483           }
00484        }
00486     }
00488  done_phase2:
00489    cout << CRing::name << "-phase 2, up to " << std::setprecision(0) << ii << endl;
00490    for (unsigned int j=0; j<Polynom_Index; ++j) mpz_clear(collector[j]);
00491    delete [] collector;
00492    for (unsigned int j=0; j<Polynom_Index_i; ++j) mpz_clear(Polynom[j]);
00493    delete [] Polynom;
00494   }
00495 #else
00496  #warning continuation disabled, because CONTINUATION_METHOD 0 not implemented
00497 #endif
00499  done:
00500   mpz_clear(x); mpz_clear(y);
00501 #ifdef VERBOSE_INFO
00502   cout << CRing::name << " method finished..." << endl;
00503 #endif
00504 }
00506 #endif

Generated on Wed Nov 7 23:29:25 2007 for Qsieve by  doxygen 1.5.4