
Go to the documentation of this file.
00007 class TFoundFactor
00008 {
00009  private:
00010   mpz_t x;
00011   unsigned int e;
00012   string comment;
00013  public:
00014   explicit TFoundFactor(const mpz_t f, const unsigned int exp = 1, const string &xcomment="")
00015    : e(exp), comment(xcomment) { mpz_init_set(x,f); }
00016   explicit TFoundFactor(const unsigned long int f, const unsigned int exp = 1)
00017    : e(exp), comment() { mpz_init_set_ui(x,f); }
00018   TFoundFactor(const TFoundFactor &FF)
00019    : e(FF.e), comment(FF.comment) { mpz_init_set(x,FF.x); }
00020   explicit TFoundFactor(std::istream &is)
00021    {
00022      mpz_init(x);
00023      is.get();
00024      if (is.eof()) { is.setstate(std::ios::failbit); return; }
00025      is.unget();
00026      string s;
00027      is >> x;
00028      is >> s; if (s!="e") { MARK; is.setstate(std::ios::failbit); return; }
00029      is >> e;
00030      is >> s; if (s!="c") { MARK; is.setstate(std::ios::failbit); return; }
00031      char buf[4096];
00032      is.getline(buf,sizeof(buf),'\n'); comment=buf;
00033    }
00034   virtual ~TFoundFactor() { mpz_clear(x); }
00035   virtual bool operator< (const TFoundFactor &nf) const { return (mpz_cmp(x,nf.x)<0); }
00036   void get_factor(mpz_t f, unsigned int &exponent) const { mpz_set(f,x); exponent=e; }
00037   virtual void output(std::ostream &ostr) const;
00038   TFoundFactor& operator= (const TFoundFactor &rhs)
00039    {
00040      mpz_set(x,rhs.x); e=rhs.e; comment=rhs.comment;
00041      return *this;
00042    }
00043   virtual void Save(std::ostream &os) const
00044    {
00045      os << x << " e " << e << " c " << comment << endl;
00046    }
00047 };
00051 inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& ostr, const TFoundFactor FF)
00052 {
00053   FF.output(ostr);
00054   return ostr;
00055 }
00058 // quick and dirty:
00059 class TFoundFactors : public set<TFoundFactor>
00060 {
00061 private:
00062  // helper class to provide access to a mpz_t number without explicitly calling mpz_init()/mpz_clear()
00063  class autompz_t
00064   {
00065    private:
00066     mpz_t x;
00067    public:
00068     autompz_t() { mpz_init(x); }
00069     ~autompz_t() { mpz_clear(x); }
00070     operator mpz_t&() { return x; }
00071     operator const mpz_t&() const { return x; }
00072   };
00073 public:
00074  string regarding; // argument (given number, can be symbolic)
00075  autompz_t regarding_numeric_value;
00077  void Load(std::istream &is)
00078   {
00079     clear();
00080     while (is)
00081      {
00082        TFoundFactor FF(is);
00083        if (is.good()) insert(FF);
00084      }
00085   }
00086  void Save(std::ostream &os) const
00087   {
00088     for (TFoundFactors::const_iterator p=begin(); p!=end(); ++p) p->Save(os);
00089   }
00091  void PrettyPrint(std::ostream &os) const;
00092  void AutoSave() const;
00093  void AutoLoad();
00094 };

Generated on Wed Nov 7 23:29:25 2007 for Qsieve by  doxygen 1.5.4