
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef qsieve_header
00002 #define qsieve_header
00009 #include "qsieve-fwd.H"
00010 #include "utils.H"
00012 #ifdef CYGWIN_COMPAT
00013  extern "C"
00014  {
00015    #include <malloc.h>
00016  }
00017 #endif
00020 // use wrapped C++ stream I/O for mpz_t (multiple precision numbers)
00021 #include "mpz_wrapper.H"
00022 using namespace my_mpz_wrapper;
00024 #include "Tfactor.H"
00025 #include "TinyVector.H"
00026 typedef CTinyVector<StaticFactorbaseSettings::FBsizetype> CTinyFBsizetypeVector;
00028 #include "myBitString.H"
00030 using std::streampos;
00033 class CStreamEncoder
00034 {
00035  private:
00036   std::ostream &out;
00037   int prev_value; // previous value to write (but not yet written because of incomplete encoding)
00038  public:
00039   CStreamEncoder(std::ostream &out_) : out(out_), prev_value(0) { }
00042   void PutValue(const int w);
00043 };
00045 class CStreamDecoder
00046 {
00047  private:
00048   std::istream &in;
00049   int ahead_value; // already decoded value (will be returned on next read)
00050  public:
00051   CStreamDecoder(std::istream &in_) : in(in_), ahead_value(0) { }
00054   int GetValue();
00055 };
00057 class CProvideHelperVariables : private ForbidAssignment, protected StaticFactorbaseSettings
00058 {
00059  // it's not nice, but better than providing temporary mpz_t x,y
00060  // in the global namespace: threadsafe & restricted to the class
00061  // And we have no need to change the source code at 1000 places...
00062  protected:
00063   mpz_t x,y; // two helper variables
00064  public:
00065   CProvideHelperVariables() { mpz_init(x); mpz_init(y); }
00066   ~CProvideHelperVariables() { mpz_clear(x); mpz_clear(y); }
00067 };
00069 class CRelation : protected CProvideHelperVariables
00070 /* CRelation manages a relation of the form
00071        Delta^2 = product of factors (mod N)
00072    Our aim is to reduce the set of factors by combining relations.
00073    If two factors are equal, their product will be a square and can
00074    thus be eliminated (by taking the factor into Delta).
00076    If all factors are eliminated, the product on the right side will evaluate
00077    to 1. -> The system of equations is solved.
00079    Delta will be adjusted dynamically.
00080 */ 
00081 {
00082  public:
00083   static const int no_factor = -1;
00084   static const int dynamic_factor = -2;
00085   static const int special_factor = -3;
00086   int relevant_factor;
00087    // either the value is one out of { no_factor, dynamic_factor, special_factor }
00088    // or it is indexing a static factor (in the static factor base)
00090  private:
00091   CTinyFBsizetypeVector *Relation_sparse;
00092   myBitString *Relation_dense;
00093   mpz_t Delta; // Delta-value, that is the square-root part of the relation [a1*a2*a2 * (Delta)^2 = 1 mod n]
00094   std::istream *pDynamicRelations_from_file; // pointer to an istream, which provides us with correction factors (Korrekturfaktoren) for combine methods
00096  public:
00098   static void (*seek_emergency_handler)(istream &, const streampos);
00101   static void seek_emergency_default_handler(istream &, const streampos);
00105   class ProvideDynamicRelationsStream
00106    {
00107     public:
00108      typedef istream *Pistream; 
00109     private:
00110      Pistream &pistream;
00111      bool reuse;
00112     public:
00113      // constructor acquires an istream (usually for pDynamicRelations_from_file)
00114      ProvideDynamicRelationsStream(Pistream &pistream_); // acquire an istream for pistream_ (or reuse existing one)
00115      // destructor releases an istream (usually pDynamicRelations_from_file)
00116      ~ProvideDynamicRelationsStream(); // release istream (if it was acquired and not reused)
00117    }; 
00119  public:
00120   inline CRelation() // constructor
00121    : CProvideHelperVariables(), relevant_factor(no_factor),
00122      Relation_sparse(new CTinyFBsizetypeVector), Relation_dense(NULL),
00123      pDynamicRelations_from_file(NULL), pMulticombineData(NULL)
00124     {
00125       mpz_init_set_ui(Delta,1);
00126     }
00128   inline ~CRelation() // destructor
00129     {
00130 #if 0
00131       if (Relation_sparse) { delete Relation_sparse; Relation_sparse=NULL; }
00132       if (Relation_dense) { delete Relation_dense; Relation_dense=NULL; }
00133       mpz_clear(Delta);
00134       relevant_factor=no_factor;
00135 #else
00136       delete Relation_sparse;
00137       delete Relation_dense;
00138       mpz_clear(Delta);
00139 #endif
00140     }
00142   explicit CRelation(const signed int SievePos, short int HitCount=0); // constructor
00143   /* initialize "Deltas" with the value of Delta,
00144      fill in "Relationen" with the prime factors (containing odd exponents)
00145      of the reduced square.
00146    */
00148  public:
00149   int largest_factor_in_Relation() const
00150     /* (index) of biggest factor in relation */
00151     {
00152       if (Relation_sparse)
00153         if (Relation_sparse->empty()) return no_factor;
00154         else 
00155           {
00156             return Relation_sparse->last();
00157           }
00158       else 
00159         {
00160           return Relation_dense->last(1);
00161           /*
00162             int h = Relation_dense->last(1);
00163             if (h>=0) return h;
00164             else return no_factor;
00165           */
00166         }
00167     }
00169   int second_largest_factor_in_Relation() const
00170     /* (Index) of second-largest factor in relation */
00171     {
00172       if (Relation_sparse)
00173         if (Relation_sparse->size()>1)
00174           return (*Relation_sparse)[Relation_sparse->size()-2];
00175         else
00176           return no_factor;
00177       else // Relation ist dense
00178         {
00179           signed int vorletzter_Faktor=Relation_dense->last(1);
00180           if (vorletzter_Faktor>=0)
00181            return Relation_dense->prev(vorletzter_Faktor,1);
00182           else
00183            return no_factor;
00184         }
00185     }
00187   inline unsigned int SizeOfRelation() const
00188     {
00189       if (Relation_sparse) return Relation_sparse->size();
00190       else return Relation_dense->count(1);
00191     }
00197   inline void optisize(void)
00198     {
00199       // optimize (minimize) memory consumption of the relation
00200       // 1. if appropriate, implicitly convert dense<->sparse,
00201       // 2. minimize memory consumption inside the representation
00203       const int size=SizeOfRelation();
00204       const int largest=largest_factor_in_Relation();
00205       const int quotient = size ? largest/size : 0;
00207       if (Relation_sparse)
00208        {
00209          if (quotient<16-2) convert_Relation_to_dense();
00210          else Relation_sparse->optisize();
00211        }
00212       else // (Relation_dense)
00213        {
00214          if (quotient>16+2) convert_Relation_to_sparse();
00215          else Relation_dense->optisize();
00216        }
00217     }
00219   void convert_Relation_to_dense();
00220   void convert_Relation_to_sparse();
00223   inline bool empty() const
00224     {
00225       return (relevant_factor==no_factor);
00226       // if (Relation_sparse) return Relation_sparse->empty();
00227       // else return Relation_dense->last(1)==-1; 
00228     }
00230   void combine(const CRelation& GL2);
00233   // routines for speeding up multiple combine steps
00234  public:
00236   // TExponentArrayElement:
00237   // This type is used for multi-combine routines to collect the exponents
00238   // according to each element of the static factorbase.  It should be an
00239   // unsigned type which is able to store the maximum count of multi-combine
00240   // calls between a multi-combine init and a multi-combine exit call. 
00241   // However, if the type is too small, intermediate "multi-combine-exit"
00242   // calls will be automatically generated to avoid overflows.
00243   // "unsigned short int" is a little bit faster than "unsigned int" for
00244   // mmx-aware machines (as it needs less memory and thereby also provides
00245   // better cache effectiveness).
00246   typedef unsigned short int TExponentArrayElement;
00248   struct SMulticombineData
00249    {
00250      TExponentArrayElement ExponentArray[StaticFactorbaseSettings::MaxSize+64] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
00251       // initial value must be {0} (please assure in the corresponding ".cc-file" that all elements are zero by default!)
00252       // +64 because we want to allow fast routines to avoid costly range checks...
00253       // 16bit alignment for fastest access in case that MMX/SSE is used to process this array
00254      unsigned long int multi_combine_Counter; // (initial value must be 0!)
00256 #if 1 && defined(ASM_SSE2)
00257  #ifdef DEBUG
00258   #warning "CRelation::SMulticombineData: using own new/delete to overcome alignment problems"
00259  #endif
00260      // too bad: __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) does not work, if memory is allocated using "new".
00261      // Solution: a tiny new-operator that uses int posix_memalign(void **memptr, size_t alignment, size_t size);
00262      // this is only a tiny, ugly, basic replacement implementation to get things to work!!
00264      static void* operator new(size_t size)
00265       {
00266         void *p;
00267 #ifdef CYGWIN_COMPAT
00268         p = memalign(16,size);
00269         if ( p==NULL || (reinterpret_cast<int>(p)&0x0f) )
00270          {
00271            cout << "NULL or not aligned p: " << p << endl;
00272            throw std::bad_alloc();
00273          }
00274 #else
00275         if (posix_memalign(&p,16,size)) throw std::bad_alloc();
00276 #endif
00277         return p;
00278       }
00279      static void operator delete(void *p, size_t /* size */)
00280       {
00281         ::free(p);
00282       }
00283 #endif
00285      SMulticombineData() : multi_combine_Counter(0)
00286       {
00287 #if defined(DEBUG) && (defined(ASM_SSE) || defined(ASM_SSE2))
00288         if (reinterpret_cast<unsigned int>(&ExponentArray[0]) &0x0fU)
00289          {
00290            MARK; cerr << "not 16-byte aligned!" << endl;
00291            cout << ExponentArray << endl;
00292            cout << this << endl;
00293          }
00294 #endif
00295         for (int i=0; i<StaticFactorbaseSettings::Size(); i++) ExponentArray[i]=0;
00296       }
00297    };
00299  protected:
00300   SMulticombineData *pMulticombineData;
00301    // pointer to a MulticombineData structure, that will be used inside the
00302    // multicombine routines. Allocating/Deallocating the Structure is done outside of this class!
00304  public:
00305   void set_MulticombineData(SMulticombineData *Data) { pMulticombineData=Data; }
00306   void invalidate_MulticombineData() { pMulticombineData=NULL; }
00307   void dispose_MulticombineData() { delete pMulticombineData; invalidate_MulticombineData(); }
00308   void use_MulticombineData_from(const CRelation &GL) { pMulticombineData=GL.pMulticombineData; }
00309   void multi_combine_init();
00310   void multi_combine_main(const CRelation& GL2);
00311   void multi_combine_exit();
00313  protected:
00314   inline void adjust_multi_combine()
00315    {
00316      // increase multi_combine_Counter and protect against overflow
00317      if (++pMulticombineData->multi_combine_Counter>=std::numeric_limits<TExponentArrayElement>::max())
00318       {
00319 #ifdef VERBOSE
00320         cout << "intermediate multi_combine_exit() issued" << endl;
00321 #endif
00322         --pMulticombineData->multi_combine_Counter;
00323         multi_combine_exit(); // do intermediate combine_exit to avoid overflow
00324         ++pMulticombineData->multi_combine_Counter;
00325       }
00326    }
00328  public:
00329   bool ComputeQuadraticCongruence() const;
00330   bool is_valid() const; // check, whether the relation is valid (congruency must be valid)
00331   static bool is_valid(istream &in); // check, whether the relation given at the current file & fileposition is valid. (congruency must be valid)
00332   inline void SanityCheck() const // check, whether the relation is valid (congruency must be valid, otherwise: abort program)
00333    {
00334      if (!is_valid()) exit(1);
00335    }
00336   static void SanityCheck(istream &in) // check, whether the relation given at the current file & fileposition is valid. (congruency must be valid, otherwise: abort program)
00337    {
00338      if (!CRelation::is_valid(in)) exit(1);
00339    }
00340   static void SanityCheckRelationsFile(const std::string FileName); // check, whether the relations inside file are valid. (congruency must be valid, otherwise: abort program)
00342  private:
00343   inline void swap(CRelation &GL2)
00344     { 
00345       // swap content of this relation with the content of GL2
00346       // (using reference semantic)
00347       std::swap(Relation_sparse,GL2.Relation_sparse);
00348       std::swap(Relation_dense,GL2.Relation_dense);
00349       std::swap(relevant_factor,GL2.relevant_factor);
00350       mpz_swap(Delta,GL2.Delta);
00351     }
00352  public:
00353   inline bool operator< (const CRelation &GL2) const
00354     {   
00355       return relevant_factor < GL2.relevant_factor;
00356     }
00357   streampos save(ostream &out, const CmpqsFactor factor, const short int HitCount=0) const;
00358   inline streampos save(ostream &out, const int i=1, const short int HitCount=0) const
00359    {
00360      CmpqsFactor DLP;
00361      DLP=i;
00362      return save(out,DLP,HitCount);
00363    }
00364   CmpqsFactor combine(istream &in, const streampos pos);
00365   CmpqsFactor multi_combine_main(istream &in, const streampos pos);
00366   CmpqsFactor combine(istream &in);
00367   CmpqsFactor multi_combine_main(istream &in);
00368   friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& ostr, const CRelation& GL);
00369   friend class StaticRelations;
00370   friend class SpecialRelations;
00371   friend class Cprocess_clients;
00372 };
00376 ostream& operator<< (ostream& ostr, const CRelation& GL);
00390 class TDynamicFactorRelation
00391 {
00392   // If factor is not too big, then we can sieve with it as a dynamic factor.
00393   // At the moment dynamic factors are restricted to "int".
00394 private:
00395   static void append_DynamicFactor_for_sieving(const int DynFac);
00396 public:
00397   int factor; // factor is given as an integer value
00398   streampos fpos;
00400   TDynamicFactorRelation() : factor(0), fpos(-1) { }
00402   inline bool operator() (const TDynamicFactorRelation &t1, const TDynamicFactorRelation &t2) const
00403     { 
00404       // for STL: set
00405       return t1.factor<t2.factor;
00406     }
00407   inline int operator() (const TDynamicFactorRelation &t2) const
00408     { 
00409       // for GNU extension: hash_set
00410       return t2.factor;
00411     }
00412   inline bool operator== (const TDynamicFactorRelation &t2) const
00413     { 
00414       return factor==t2.factor;
00415     }
00416   inline bool sieveable() const
00417    {
00418      // are we allowed to sieve with this Large Prime?
00419      return factor<DynamicFactor_SievingThreshold;
00420    }
00421   inline void append_for_sieving() const
00422    {
00423 #ifndef IS_SERVER
00424      // since the server itself does no sieving at all,
00425      // this is done only for clients and standalone versions:
00426      if (sieveable()) append_DynamicFactor_for_sieving(factor);
00427 #endif
00428    }
00429 };
00437 struct TSieve_Delta
00438 {
00439   int delta;
00440   int factor;
00441   inline bool operator< (const TSieve_Delta &v) const
00442     {
00443 #if defined (USE_FIBHEAP)
00444       return (delta < v.delta);
00445 #else
00446       return (delta > v.delta);
00447 #endif
00448       // delta > v.delta , if queue is used
00449       // delta < v.delta , if fibonacci-heap is used
00450     }
00451 };
00454 #endif

Generated on Wed Nov 7 23:29:26 2007 for Qsieve by  doxygen 1.5.4